We all know how difficult it is sometimes to bring your ideas to life.
If you have interesting business projects, we are ready to invest in them.
To do this, you need to draw up a Business plan with a detailed description of your project and company structure. Send this information to us.
We will study the market and make a decision about investing in your project.
The cargo search service in the Telegram channel is designed for our regular Carriers. You can subscribe to the newsletter and have access to more than 400 items per day IskanGroup cargo database throughout Russia.
If you have any questions, just write to the support team and this topic will immediately be under the control of all key managers in the company. The manager in charge will solve the task ASAP.
We actively work with freelance agents to attract clients.
If you have a client under our services or a large transaction that you would like to execute through our company, you can enter into an agency agreement with us and receive your commission, one-time or on an ongoing basis.
Being employed by ISKANGROUP means getting a job in the best company for specialists in the logistics industry. We create the most competitive conditions in the cargo transportation market.
Send us your CV. We will definitely invite you for an interview if your skills and experience correspond most to the open position. A job in IskanGroup can become yours.
Call us: - 8 800 600 85 05